The annual avalanche of falling leaves was a fast one this year. There were a couple of days of good weather for raking and mowing leaves into the grass. I mow leaves to keep them from blowing away and so they’ll decompose faster. Any leaves not shredded by the lawn mower cartwheel down the street or get blown into the neighbor’s yard by the wind. I picked up a few bags of leaves from outside my yard, before the weather dropped into the low teens. Then it rained. Now it’s raining and windy and just miserable in general.

1. The leaves on my neighbor’s dogwood tree turned a lovely red against a blue sky before the weather turned and they fell.

2. All the leaves fall off the plum tree except at the tips where they hang on.

3. This is the only time of year Bradford pear trees are good for something.

4. Their fruit is certainly useless.

5. I’m experimenting with the lowest part of the yard by not mowing the leaves and just leaving them piled up to see what happens. The wind can’t blow them away here.

6. This is one of the big piles of leaves I bagged just before mowing.

To see a lovely garden in the UK and others from around the world check out Six on Saturday 01-12-2018.