Spring is the season with endless flowers to enjoy. But the weather has been too warm. 80F (18C) in April is way too warm. Plants need more rain with that much heat. We did get a thunderstorm last night that dumped half an inch, but I can’t help being anxious we’ll get a repeat of last year’s drought.

1. The wild geraniums, Geranium maculatum, always light up my little bit of woodland.

2. I have a forest of columbines in the front yard.

3. The Eastern Waterleaf hitchhiker likes its soggy home by the birdbath. It’s doing so well, it’s about to bloom.

4. The weird little pawpaw flowers are blooming. As the petals fall off, clumps of tiny, baby pawpaws appear.

5. Sadly, all is not a bed of flower petals.

After several months stratifying in the fridge, my miniature grapes and cardinal flower seeds never sprouted. I’ll make another attempt to get the grape seeds going next spring, but I wasn’t going to wait any longer for cardinal flowers. I happily ordered plants from an online native plant nursery that are due to arrive any day.

6. Below is the Amelanchier, or Serviceberry, in the backyard. It’s growing in the spot where I had the soil tested that showed a high level of phosphorus. The leaves are turning a sickly yellow from something in the soil. There is a county gardening program that offers advice to gardeners. As soon as I find out where they are, I’ll be taking a branch to show them.

Below is a leaf comparison. The two leaves on the left are from the two Amelanchier trees in the front yard. The third, on the right, is from the tree above.

Celebrate Earth Day with a visit to Garden Ruminations and Jim, esteemed host of Six on Saturday. Then check out what gardeners all over the world are doing today in the comments.